Garfield County Democrats

Working together toward a brighter future for all of us

Trabajando juntos hacia un futuro más brillante para todos


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Yard Sign Request Form

Show your support for our candidates and help them build their name recognition.

Please fill out this Yard Sign Request Form and a volunteer will get back to you soon.



We won a FIRST PLACE award in the Strawberry Days parade!

Thank you to everyone who helped out and brought their wonderful, positive energy to this event. We have such a great team and parading together is always a blast!

Learn more about our candidates here.


What does it mean to be a Garfield County Democrat?

We believe:

We all deserve the freedom to decide when and if to grow our families.

We all deserve the freedom to love and marry whomever we choose.

Our children deserve the freedom to attend school without fear of gun violence.

We all have the right to live in a safe, clean, and healthy environment.

Wealthy corporations and billionaires should pay what they owe.

All eligible voters should be able to vote.

The majority of Americans stand with us on these core beliefs – yet MAGA Republican lawmakers are rigging the system, suppressing votes, and pushing their radical agenda to take these things away from us.

Now is the time to elect Democratic leaders who will fight to protect our freedoms, our ecosystems, and our democracy.

Join us: Be a VoterVolunteerDonate


Game Plan for turning Garfield County solidly blue

State Representative Elizabeth Velasco

Garfield County’s Elizabeth Velasco was elected in 2022 as the first-ever Latina to serve as our Representative for Colorado House District 57. Rep. Velasco ran thirteen bills this session, eleven of which passed, and many of which had bipartisan support, including bills related to language access, housing, public health, emergency response, and community resiliency. Read more here about her accomplishments in her first legislative session.

Join us for a conversation with Rep. Velasco at our monthly cafecitos, held at various locations throughout Garfield County. Email us for details:

Why support Term Limits for County Commissioners?

Limiting the number of terms a county commissioner can serve has many advantages, including:

  • Elections are more fair and competitive
  • Fresh ideas and perspectives are brought to the table
  • Candidates are evaluated more candidly

Only the commissioners themselves can decide to put this question about term limits on the ballot; state statutes do not allow citizens to petition questions onto the county ballot. We hope you’ll join the Garfield County Democrats in asking our commissioners to put the issue of term limits for county commissioners on the 2024 ballot.

If the voters of Garfield County were to approve a limit of two terms for county commissioners, our current commissioners would still be allowed to serve two additional terms. Currently, Tom Jankovsky is in his 13th year as commissioner; Mike Samson, his 15th year; and John Martin, his 27th year.

More info here: Brand new year, same old ideas; Time for term limits

Sign our petition to urge our County Commissioners to place the question of term limits on the 2024 ballot:

Petition: Term Limits for County Commissioners

“Elections come and go. Candidates come and go. But I am a Democrat every single day.”

-- A long-time monthly donor to the GarCo Dems

Please support our Every Day Dem campaign by signing up to be a monthly donor.

We need to invest now in the groundwork that will enable us to elect open-minded, forward-thinking, compassionate leaders for our future!

Please become a monthly donor today 

Every Day Dems

Garfield County Democratic Party
PO Box 2637
Glenwood Springs, CO 81602

Contact Us

Paid for by the Garfield County Democratic Party
Registered Agent: Donna Yost

Garfield County, Colorado, Democratic Party logo