Our Game Plan for Turning Garfield County Solidly Blue

Who We Are

The Garfield County Democrats are committed to electing open-minded, forward-thinking leaders at all levels of government. We know that achieving this in our county will require a strategic, long-term plan.

Our Game Plan

  • Since launching this initiative in 2022, we’ve hired three members of our Latino Outreach Team who have engaged with Latino community members through door-to-door visits, phone calls, voter registration efforts, bilingual newsletters, social media, community events, and connecting with Latino-owned businesses.

  • We’re working to build our connection with young, left-leaning voters through the social media platform of Instagram. Young people tend to be passionate about issues like reproductive freedom, racial justice, gun safety, and climate change. Our goal is to convince them that we have the power to impact these issues through voting and civic engagement.

  • Our volunteer Block Captains commit to reaching out to left-leaning voters in their own neighborhood three times a year. We provide all the materials you need. This neighbor-to-neighbor contact builds trust and helps convert voters.

  • We focus on increasing voter registration at community college campuses and community events, particularly targeting Latino voters.

  • We are actively recruiting candidates for local offices and offering resources to help people run successful campaigns.

  • We monitor and publicize the actions of elected officials so that we can all hold them accountable for addressing the issues that impact our lives. Our elected officials were elected to serve us; we encourage community members to hold them to that commitment.

  • We work year-round, election years and non-election years, to inform and engage people around issues that matter to them – from protecting our libraries to protecting our water. 

  • We send out bilingual digital newsletters about twice a month, updating supporters on events, issues, and ways to get involved. We also communicate with supporters regularly via Facebook and Instagram.

  • Because friend-to-friend communication is the most effective way to influence people, we organize various projects to help our supporters share information with their friends, including our digital organizing tool, Outreach Circle.

  • Building a stronger sense of community among left-leaning community members in Garfield County is key to our success. We hold various in-person events to help develop those connections, including regular Happy Hours and our Annual Summer Picnic.

Fundraising & Volunteer Opportunities

To maintain and grow our programs, we need additional funds and volunteers. Our efforts are ongoing, from organizing events to recruiting candidates, and we invite you to join us.

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