Contact Our Elected Officials
Our elected officials are public servants. They were elected by us for the purpose of serving us, and their reelection depends upon us.
We can use our constituent power to influence them, voicing our expectations, support or disapproval. Let your voice be heard by contacting our elected officials:
Federal Level
US Senator Michael Bennet
202-224-5852 (DC office)
970-241-6631 (Grand Junction office)
Rep. Jeff Hurd (CD3)
US Senator John Hickenlooper
202-224-5941 (DC office)
970-822-4530 (Grand Junction office)
State Level
Governor Jared Polis
CO Representative Elizabeth Velasco (HD 57)
CO Senator Marc Caitlin (SD5)
Garfield County Commissioners
Tom Jankowsky (District 1)
John Martin (District 2)
Through December 2024
Perry Will (District 2)
Starting January 2025