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Our Mission

To elect open-minded, forward-thinking leaders at every level of government.

We Believe:

  • We all deserve the freedom to decide when and if to grow our families.

  • We all deserve the freedom to love and marry whomever we choose.

  • Our children deserve the freedom to attend school without fear of gun violence.

  • We all have the right to live in a safe, clean, and healthy environment.

  • Wealthy corporations and billionaires should pay what they owe.

  • All eligible voters should be able to vote.

The majority of Americans stand with us on these core beliefs – yet MAGA Republican lawmakers are rigging the system, suppressing votes, and pushing their far-right agenda to take these things away from us.

Now is the time to elect Democratic leaders who will fight to protect our freedoms, our ecosystems, and our democracy.

Read Our Game Plan

As the Garfield County Democrats, we are working to elect open-minded, forward-thinking leaders at every level of government—including school boards, board of county commissioners, state level candidates, and our CD3 representative. Given the current political landscape of our county, we know it’s going to take a strong, strategic, long-term plan to achieve that goal.

Support The Garfield County Democrats

We need to invest now in the groundwork that will enable us to elect open-minded, forward-thinking, compassionate leaders for our future!

Please become a donor today.

Invest in our long-term strategy to turn Garfield County blue!