Moving forward post-election — Using the powers and tools we still hold

Just weeks ago, tens of millions of Americans were hoping and praying we would elect a president who would respect our nation’s laws and prioritize working people over billionaires. Now, we are grappling with feelings of sadness, fear, and anger as we face a second Trump presidency instead.

It will take some time to analyze all that led to Trump’s victory, but one key factor is already clear. Nations across the globe faced intense inflation following the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. In every developed country, the party that governed during the post-pandemic/inflation period was voted out. The US followed suit. 

Working people were already experiencing a system that was stacked against them when the post-pandemic inflation hit. Many lost faith in the idea that our government could make their lives better. Along with many others, they voted for change or chose not to vote at all. 

The US has become entrenched in a system that serves billionaires over working people. Between 1981 and 2021, spanning presidencies of both parties, about $50 trillion moved from the bottom 90% of Americans to the richest 1%. Essentially, the ultra-rich got even richer off the wealth that the rest of us created. This unjust system absolutely needs to change.

Trump presented himself as a change candidate, but his policies will make this outrageous income disparity even worse. His top priority is to give major tax breaks to the super rich. His plan to establish tariffs will increase inflation. His plan to dismantle unions will hurt workers’ wages and benefits.

Most Americans oppose the far-right agenda of Project 2025, which includes eliminating the Department of Education, restricting access to contraception and abortion, and weakening the development of renewable energy. Trump knew Project 2025 was deeply unpopular and tried to distance himself from it. Once he takes office, he’ll attempt to put those policies in place. 

So what do we do now?

Trump has stated that he plans to rule as if he is above the law and has unlimited power. He does not. That’s not how our government works. 

Historically, wanna-be authoritarian rulers have expanded their power by making people feel alone and powerless, convincing them that resistance is pointless. We can all play a role in stopping that narrative in its tracks. We do have power now. We need to use it and build it.

Wanna-be authoritarian leaders have lost power when people use their power to resist. We saw this eight years ago when Trump tried to repeal the Affordable Care Act/Obamacare. With Republicans controlling the House and Senate, many thought this was a done deal. But because ordinary people pressured their representatives relentlessly to keep the ACA, some Republican Senators feared for their own re-election and did not go along with Trump. The ACA was saved and millions of Americans were saved from losing their health insurance. 

As Trump attempts to implement his immensely unpopular policies, more and more people will recognize that the MAGA movement is making things worse for their families, not better. We can welcome these folks into our increasingly broad coalition of people who oppose the MAGA agenda.

The MAGA playbook relies on divide and conquer. They want us to fear and hate immigrants, transgender people, Black people, or whomever they decide to scapegoat next. If they can get us to turn on each other, they disempower all of us. Instead of taking their bait, we need to double down on protecting and caring for one another. 

America has faced dark times before and we’ve found our way through them. Thanks to the work of everyday people who never gave up, we made our way through the horrific exploitation of workers in the early 1900s and the legalized racism of Jim Crow. 

Our country has always been torn between those who hoard power and wealth at the top and those of us who believe that freedom, justice, and the right to a good life belong to all of us. That conflict will take new forms with Trump as president; we can take inspiration from past struggles and continue the good fight. 

Less than 48 hours after Election Day, over 140,000 Americans joined union leaders, tribal leaders, Members of Congress and others on a national call to begin the process of building our power and resisting the Trump agenda. Indivisible, Working Families Party, Rural Urban Bridge Initiative and other smart, strategic groups have been organizing mass calls as well. Attending these calls has given me the strength and inspiration to keep moving forward.

Whether you’re heartbroken by the election results or you voted for Trump and are having second thoughts, I encourage you to find a group that speaks to you and join the growing coalition of Americans committed to fighting for our loved ones, our neighbors, and our future.

Debbie Bruell of Carbondale chairs the Garfield County Democrats and is a past member of the Roaring Fork Schools Board of Education.


Bruell column: If we don’t shape our future MAGA will; Be a voter