Volunteer with the GarCo Dems

Meet great people, work on meaningful projects, and be a part of something bigger than yourself!

Fill out this form to get started

GarCo Dems volunteers at the 2020 Strawberry Days Parade in Glenwood Springs!

There are lots of different ways to join our team -- and you can help out for just an hour each month or an hour every day. Let's find what works for you!

  • Share our candidate slate flyer with left-leaning voters

  • Write a letter to the editor
  • Share information at community events (e.g., farmers markets)

  • Join our social media team

  • Join our tech team
  • Help with voter registration

  • Write postcards to voters
  • Reach out to friends through our Outreach Circle digital tool

  • Let us know your unique talents and skills and we'll find a way to put them to work!


Garfield County Democratic Party
PO Box 2637
Glenwood Springs, CO 81602

Contact Us

Paid for by the Garfield County Democratic Party
Registered Agent: Donna Yost

Garfield County, Colorado, Democratic Party logo