Latino Outreach Initiative

Latino community members make up over 30% of Garfield County’s population. Unfortunately, Latinos do not come close to being proportionately represented in terms of their voter registration, voter turnout, civic engagement, or leadership positions in our county. As a result, we are missing out on crucial viewpoints, voices, and leaders that belong at the table.

We know that engaging with the Latino community can make a major difference in elections. In Garfield County, there are an estimated 2,400 left-leaning Latino voters who did not vote in the 2022 election. In Congressional District 3, there are an estimated 87,000 Latino community members who are eligible to become voters, but have not yet registered.

In order to seize the opportunity of developing the political power of our left-leaning Latino community, the GarCo Dems initiated our first-ever Latino Outreach Initiative in 2022. Building on the community organizing techniques that Stacey Abrams’ New Georgia Project has pioneered so successfully with Black voters in Georgia, the aim of our Latino Outreach Initiative is to increase civic engagement among the Latino community, build volunteer networks, register and mobilize Latino voters, and develop more Latino leaders in Garfield County.

As a long-term project that will require a multi-year investment in order to maximize its full potential, we are continuously seeking funds to extend our Latino Outreach work into the future. We would love your support! You can donate here.

Read more about our Latino Outreach Initiative here.

Read our Latino Outreach Team Member Job Description.

Garfield County Democratic Party
PO Box 2637
Glenwood Springs, CO 81602

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Paid for by the Garfield County Democratic Party
Registered Agent: Donna Yost

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