Garfield County Democrats News

Read our recent columns (below), sign up for our newsletters (below), and let your voice be heard by writing a Letter to the Editor yourself! See Write a Letter to the Editor.

Monthly columns by GarCo Dems Chair, Debbie Bruell

Caring for our seniors in Garfield County and beyond

Post Independent - July 19, 2024

Everyday people stronger than MAGA hate

Post Independent - June 20, 2024

Protecting our reproductive freedoms in Garfield County

Post Independent - May 16, 2024

Our libraries are amazing - let's keep them that way 

Post Independent - April 22, 2024

Let’s resolve not to play the blame game

Post Independent - March 14

Post Independent - February 16, 2024

Colorado’s county clerks stand strong, but will our commissioners?

Post Independent - January 18, 2024

A New Year's resolution to stop doomscrolling and do something

Post Independent - December 14, 2023

Giving thanks for local champions for equality and inclusion

Post Independent - November 16, 2023

Taking the long view on our public lands

Post Independent - October 19, 2023

Holding our commissioners accountable for protecting the lands we love

Post Independent - September 14, 2023

Post Independent - July 21, 2023
Post Independent - July 15, 2023
Post Independent - May 19, 2023
Post Independent - April 21, 2023

Why oppose a win-win strategy for creating jobs and workforce-housing?

Post Independent - March 16, 2023

Drawing inspiration from our nation’s heroes during Black History Month

Post Independent - February 16, 2023

Brand new year; same old ideas: Time for term limits

Post Independent - January 20, 2023

Scrooges, heroes, and Social Security

Post Independent - December 15, 2022

Reflections on the elections

Post Independent - November 18, 2022

Vote for integrity this November

Post Independent - October 21, 2022

How Powerful are County Commissioners?

Post Independent - September 17, 2022

The Inflation Reduction and wins for Garfield County

Post Independent - August 18, 2022

Caring for our kids and calling out hypocrisy

Post Independent - July 14, 2022

The real winner of America's gun safety impasse

Post Independent - July 14, 2022

Keeping our future in our hands

Post Independent - May 19, 2022

Building partnerships is the way to build homes

Post Independent - April 26, 2022

Joining Together for Colorado's Kids

Post Independent - March 17, 2022

Electing the Leaders We Need

Post Independent - February 17, 2022

Honoring MLK Through Action

Post Independent - January 11, 2022

Moving forward together in 2022

Post Independent - December 16, 2021

The rivers run through us...Let's do more to protect them

Post Independent - November 18, 2021

The 2021 school board election - parents or not, why you'll want to vote 

Post Independent - September 28, 2021

Looking forward, not back, to build our local economy

Post Independent - August 17, 2021

Smart step toward wildfire and evacuation safety

Post Independent - July 14, 2021

Planning for safe, FireWise summers

Post Independent - June 2, 2021

Oppose PAUSE; Support Ranchers and Animals

Post Independent - May 2, 2021

Rescue and Resilience; We’re all in this together

Post Independent - April 7, 2021

Medical expertise absent on our county health board

Post Independent - March 3, 2021

Boebert’s first week in office should be her last

Post Independent - January 12, 2021

Time to shift gears: Confronting Covid in Garfield County

Post Independent - December 21, 2020

Garfield County Democratic Party
PO Box 2637
Glenwood Springs, CO 81602

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Paid for by the Garfield County Democratic Party
Registered Agent: Donna Yost

Garfield County, Colorado, Democratic Party logo